Distance Learning - Live Teaching

Distance students can connect directly with the teacher, Amanda Ferris, receiving online guidance and support by participating in the following:

  • Online Mysore classes - where students are taught individually in a small group setting

  • Livestream Counted Primary Series classes - join our weekly studio led class via livestream

  • Personal consults - these are brief check-in sessions for Ashtanga yoga practitioners looking for support with their practice

  • Online Pranayama classes - when scheduled

  • Annual Counted Primary Series Challenge - Information and booking here

Our program is term-based, and usually terms are 10 weeks long followed by 2-3 weeks break for integration and recharging.

There is no class on full or new moon days. Check the calendar to find out when upcoming moon days fall.

  • Term One 4 March - 4 April

    Term Two 22 April - 27 June

    Term Three 15 July - 19 September

    Term Four 7 October - 12 December

    16-20 December Counted Primary Series Challenge

  • *Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST)

    Tuesday Online Mysore 8:30am - 9:15am

    Friday Livestream Counted Primary Series 6:00am

How to Participate as a Distance Student:

  • Click here to book any of the following:

    • Online Mysore Classes

    • Livestream Counted Primary Series Classes

    • Personal Consults

    • Online Pranayama classes

    Yes, it is possible to purchase 10 and 20 Class Passes ($280 or $500 respectively) which are valid for 90 days. You will find further information about fees here.

    Beginners, please enquire with us before booking classes. Casual attendance is best for students with some experience practicing Ashtanga yoga. We will help you find the right entry into our program.

  • Includes the following:

    • Online Mysore classes on Tuesdays from 8:30am – 9:15am (AEDT).

    • Livestream Counted Primary Series classes on Fridays at 6:00am (AEDT)

    • A 15 minute, online personal consult with Amanda, used for discussion and workshopping practice details.

    Distance Term Fees 2025 (fees vary due to moon days)

    • T1 (5 weeks) $225

    • T2 (10 weeks) $405

    • T3 (10 weeks) $427.50

    • T4 (10 weeks) $382.50

    Purchase here

Zoom Setup:

  • Typically students leave microphones off during class. However, it is perfectly ok to approach the camera and turn on your microphone to say hello or ask a question. If class includes less than 3 people and you have no loud background noise, you may leave your microphone on.

  • Ideally, you should set up your mat far enough away from the camera that the teacher can see your whole body. It is better if the camera is neither directly facing you, nor side-on. The very best setup is side-on with a slight angle so that the front end of your mat is closer to the camera than the back end.

    If you are practicing in a small space and the camera does not include your whole body, prioritise showing your feet and legs over your arms and upper body. The teacher may request that you angle your camera differently from time to time.

Got a question? Just email us.