Online Pranayama (Breathwork) Courses

Quiet the mind and cultivate inner stillness by practicing pranayama online with Amanda from Mysore Melbourne.

Next Up:

Pranayana Intensive - All the Nadi Shodhanas!

24-26 March 2025 - 7:30pm nightly

During 3 consecutive evening sessions, we will practice various forms of alternate nostril breathing (Nadi Shodhana).

These brief 20 minute sessions will be practice-heavy (not information-heavy).

Nadi Shodhana is a tranquilsing pranayama that can settle the mind, relax the body, and help integrate emotions. It is taught in many forms and participants will not only enjoy the benefits of this simple practice, but also the opportunity to feel into the different methods of practice and notice their affects.

The fee for the 3 day intensive is $50 and you can book here.

It is also possible to attend single sessions for $20 per class. Casual bookings here.